Saints: April 2012 Archives

Montfort detail.tifThe Church gives us an inspired, perhaps even truly brilliant preacher, as a model of grace. Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort was ordained a priest in 1700; proficient in the thinking of the Church Fathers on the Virgin Mary, Montfort's mission was to preach on Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, in a period of time of great theological error in France. He's famous for preaching on the Rosary and he created a series of meditations that led to a Consecration to the Blessed Mother. His preaching of Mary was really a work of preaching on the Paschal Mystery. The collect for the Mass tells us that Louis-Marie 'walked the way of salvation and the love of Christ" by "meditating on the mysteries [God's] love" which led to "the building up of [God's] Church."

Montfort was a Third Order Dominican and held a papally given title Missionary Apostolic. He was also a founder of three congregations, one of men and two of women. For some time now there's been movement to have Louis-Marie to named a Doctor of the Church.

We are more aware of Montfort through John Paul's adoption of one of Montfort's phrases, Totus Tuus (totally yours).

Paul's conversion

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Conversion of St Paul LVeneziano.jpg

Today's first reading for Mass is the stunning narrative of Saint Paul's conversion.

I realized the full force of Grace when I was listening to it today.

May I recommend it for your lectio?

Saint Paul, pray for us.

Saint Mark

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St Mark and Christ.jpgShout for joy! with cries of gladness
Gather those who were dispersed.
Here the blind are given vision;
Here the comfortless find mirth.

In his faith, blind Bartimaeus
Shouted out his need to see---
Jesus, Light from Light, restored him,
Gave him sight, and set him free.

Each of us, in our baptism,
Has received the gift of sight
Through the Christ, our High Priest Jesus: Filled with joy, we seek God's light!

Hymn text by J. M. Thompson

Saint George

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St George & Dragon detail VCarpaccio.jpg

The figure of Saint George is widely acknowledged across cultures. His cult, as it were, comes from Palestine; he is a heavenly patron among the Greeks and Latins. Since about AD 800 Saint George has been a patron of England and he is known elsewhere as one of the "14 Holy Helpers."

Aside from legendary activity, George adhered to the Lord's words and His person in that he's known to have imitated the Passion as we see below in the opening collect for Holy Mass. No doubt his preaching, protecting and safeguarding the sacred Mysteries led people to Christ.

Let us pray that through Saint George's intercession, and the power of the Lord's Holy Name, the dragon of temptation and sin may be driven away by heavenly powers so as to be united in deeper communion with Christ.

And so we pray with the Church, 

Extolling your might, O Lord, we humbly implore you, that, as Saint George imitated the Passion of the Lord, so he may lend us ready help in our weakness.

Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha

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The Church, today, give us Blessed --soon-to-be canonized Kateri Tekakwitha today as a model of evangelization and the desire one has for Christ. Pope Benedict renewed our attention to Blessed Kateri in 2008: 

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, Saint John Neumann, Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, Venerable Pierre Toussaint, and Padre Felix Varela: any one of us could be among them, for there is no stereotype to this group, no single mold. Yet a closer look reveals that there are common elements. Inflamed with the love of Jesus, their lives became remarkable journeys of hope. For some, that meant leaving home and embarking on a pilgrim journey of thousands of miles. For each there was an act of abandonment to God, in the confidence that he is the final destination of every pilgrim. And all offered an outstretched hand of hope to those they encountered along the way, often awakening in them a life of faith. Through orphanages, schools and hospitals, by befriending the poor, the sick and the marginalized, and through the compelling witness that comes from walking humbly in the footsteps of Jesus, these six people laid open the way of faith, hope and charity to countless individuals, including perhaps your own ancestors.
Antonio Cavallucci St Benedict Joseph Labre.jpg
Today's feast of Saint Benedict Joseph Labre is a beautiful reminder of the humility with which we face God, our own humanity, and the world.

The Missal speaks of Benedict Joseph as a "Fool for Christ": he met Christ with his whole self, the physical and psychological weaknesses and the desire to be in communion with his Savior. Benedict Joseph has much to teach.

The story of Saint Benedict Joseph is nicely painted by a friend, Father Mark here.

Let's pray for all those who face life with difficulties, especially the mentally unstable and the homeless. That for the Grace of God, there we go through life.

On his birthday, let's remember Pope Benedict.
1490 Martyrdom of St Stanislaus of Krakow.jpgO God, for whose honor the Bishop Saint Stanislaus fell beneath the swords of his persecutors, grant, we pray, that we may persevere strong in faith even until death.

I've been devoted to Saint Stanislaus for many, many years. He was the patron of my grammar school. In fact, his story mirrors Saint Thomas Becket. Like Becket, Stanislaus spoke truth to power and it cost him his head for the sake of the Kingdom of God.

Saint Stanislaus, pray for Poland.

About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]



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