Spiritually formed by Ignatian and Benedictine spiritualities and makes the claim to have a Benedictine monk as a spiritual director, Justin Welby also says he's been formed by Catholic Social Teaching. In the Anglican world Welby is an upper-class Englishman who attended Holy Trinity Brompton Church, an posh evangelical community that's been highly influential in the CoE; educated at Eton College, and Trinity College, Cambridge.
He's only been a bishop since 2011 and bishop of Durham, the 4th diocese of importance in England. Welby succeeds Archbishop Rowan Williams who is stepping down to pursue an academic appointment as Master of Magdalen College, Cambridge University.
Archbishop Justin Welby's press release is noted here.
The posistion of Archbishop of Canterbury is vetted by a committee, approved by the Prime Minister of England and promoted by the monarch. The Canons of the Canterbury Cathedral will have to formally elected Welby as archbishop in January.
Some have said that Welby is just another face of the left-leaning establishment of the Church of England who seeks to "update" the Church with women clergy, a liberal approach to economy, and support for LGBT causes, and other matters of social concern. It must be noted Justine Welby says he's not in favor of same sex marriage. The same commenters say that there's really no change at Lambeth.
Archbishop Welbly will be enthroned in March. Cardinal Kurt Koch will be the Holy See's representative. It is expected that shortly thereafter he will pay a visit to Pope Benedict XVI.