Archdiocese of New York: January 2012 Archives

Abp Dolan in Jerusalem Jan 2012.jpg
Photo by Bob Mullen/The Catholic Photographer, copyright © 2012

On pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Archbishop (Cardinal-designate) Timothy Michael Dolan takes a moment to pray at the site of Lord's crucifixion.

The NY Daily News has a story.
Crd Brady & Abp Martin welcome Abp Brown in Dublin.jpg
The Pope's man in Ireland, Archbishop Charles J. Brown, arrives to take up his duties. He's greeted by Seán Cardinal  Brady (Archbishop of Armagh) and Archbishop Diarmuid Martin (Archbishop of Dublin). The newly ordained archbishop is a New York native and until recently has been working in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

Saint Patrick, pray for Ireland.
cardinal t. dolan.jpg

Fordham Law School's Institute on Religion, Law & Lawyer's Work hosted Archbishop Timothy Michael Dolan, PhD, for an inaugural address in the Law and the Gospel of Life series. 

Sadly, it didn't make the news, well not much was said around the area about it. Fordham University published this brief press release read here. The crowd exceed initial expectations and a change of venue was made. Cardinal-designate Dolan centered his comments on Blessed John Paul II landmark encyclical, the Evangelium Vitae (1995). An excerpt of Dolan's remarks follows, below is the link to his entire text:

The Gospel of Life proposes an alternative vision of law and culture, one that provides an antidote to the pragmatic nihilism that produces a Culture of Death. It seeks to recapture the essential relationship between the civil law and the moral law, and to foster a culture in which all human life is valued and authentic human development is possible.

The Wall Street Journal published an op-ed piece of New York's Archbishop, Timothy Michael Dolan, today. You can read the entire op-ed piece of Archbishop Dolan here:  WSJ-ObamaCare-and-Religious-Freedom.pdf

An excerpt follows:

Coercing religious ministries and citizens to pay directly for actions that violate their teaching is an unprecedented incursion into freedom of conscience. Organizations fear that this unjust rule will force them to take one horn or the other of an unacceptable dilemma: Stop serving people of all faiths in their ministries--so that they will fall under the narrow exemption--or stop providing health-care coverage to their own employees.

The Catholic Church defends religious liberty, including freedom of conscience, for everyone. The Amish do not carry health insurance. The government respects their principles. Christian Scientists want to heal by prayer alone, and the new health-care reform law respects that. Quakers and others object to killing even in wartime, and the government respects that principle for conscientious objectors. By its decision, the Obama administration has failed to show the same respect for the consciences of Catholics and others who object to treating pregnancy as a disease.

Timothy Michael Dolan, PhD

Archbishop of New York

Wall Street Journal

25 January 2012

About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]



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