Archdiocese of New York: June 2009 Archives

Pope & new abps.jpgArchbishop Timothy Dolan of New York received his pallium today from Pope Benedict XVI as a sign of communion with the Pope. He joined 33 new archbishops including 4 other Americans who received their pallia too.

Joanna Malloy of the NY Daily News is covering the archbishop's trip; be sure to read the related articles as they provide a picture of New York's new Shepherd.

alg_dolan-mta.jpgArchbishop Timothy Dolan is serious: he's praying for ALL the people of the Archdiocese of New York (and others) when he's in the Eternal City next week to receive the pallium from the Pope. He's the link between us and our Roman sainted forefathers and mothers; likewise, he's the link between the archdiocese and the Holy Father. Spiritual closeness is a cool thing in the Catholic Church.

Thank God for his remembrance of us at the tombs of Saints Peter and Paul especially! I, for one, need his prayers.
Old St Pat charcoal.jpgAccording a news article in today's Daily News, Archbishop Dolan is petitioning the Holy See  to name Old Saint Patrick's Cathedral a minor basilica (the Wiki article as some other useful info). There are 2 basilicas in the Brooklyn Diocese but none in the Archdiocese. While it is largely an honorary distinction, it is seen as important and therefore prestigious. The old cathedral is quite a place as it continues to serve the spiritual needs of God's people. For example, Holy Mass is celebrated in English, Spanish and Chinese each week.

Yesterday, June 7, 2009, Archbishop Dolan inaugurated the 200th anniversary of the cathedral.

There are three distinctions for basilicas: there are four major basilica, directly connected with the Pope, and therefore are called "papal" (St Peter's, St Paul outside the Walls, St John Lateran and St Mary Major); there are eight pontifical minor basilicas (all in Italy); and the rest of the world's basilicas are "minor" basilicas but no less distinguished because they too are connected with the Holy Father but they don't have "papal altars and thrones." 

In the USA there are 60+ minor basilicas. If the Holy See makes Old Saint Patrick's a basilica it would take precedence over the other NY churches except for the Cathedral, have the use of the tintinabulum (a bell on a pole which would signal the arrival of the pope) and an umbrella (carried over the
 pope for protection) and carried by the laity behind the processional cross; the rector would be able to wear a grey mozzetta. The list of basilicas can be read here.

A helpful, but dated article but there's some reliable info for us in the United States.

About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]



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