Books: October 2009 Archives

Difference God Makes.jpg

Join us for a dialogue with Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I. on the publication of

The Difference God Makes: A Catholic Vision of Faith, Communion, and Culture


Moderated by Monsignor Lorenzo Albacete,

Theologian, Author, Columnist


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 at 7:00PM

The Metropolitan Club, 1 East 60th Street (corner of 5th Avenue), NYC

·RSVP AND PROPER ATTIRE REQUIRED. No T-shirts, sneakers, or jeans. For men, jackets and ties required. Clerical dress or religious habits permitted. 

·To make a reservation, send an e-mail to with full name and address.

Presented by Crossroads Cultural Center, The American Bible Society and The Lumen Christi Institute

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His Eminence, Francis Cardinal George, 72, the Cardinal-Archbishop of Chicago since 1997, is widely recognized as a leading intellectual figure in the American Catholic hierarchy. His new book, The Difference God Makes: A Catholic Vision of Faith, Communion, and Culture, brings together some of his most influential writings on the Catholic vision -- not just of the Church herself, but also of all the peoples of the world. 

Weaving together intellectual insight and personal wisdom, this investigation offers a luminous Catholic vision of communion, illustrating the Church's relation to numerous religions as well as the secular world.  Drawing from both the author's observations of Catholicism in cultures around the globe and countless theologians' perspectives--including Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI, Thomas Aquinas, and Francis of Assisi--this analysis demonstrates how to recognize the self-giving, liberating God who provides freedom from the competitive, oppressive gods of secular modernity.  This overview also recalls an assortment of fascinating stories, from a poignant moment with a non-Christian in Zambia to the humbling dedication of volunteers who came to observe Pope John Paul II's visit to Mexico City.  

Confronting controversial issues head-on, this volume will inspire Christians everywhere while also offering non-Christians a renewed understanding of what a lived Christianity means for political and personal life today.

About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]



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