Dominican saints & blesseds: May 2010 Archives

God of endless ages, in your providence you gave your people Blessed James to attain the mystery of salvation. By his life and prayers may we come to know your Son and so experience his presence more fully in our lives.

Dominican Blessed James Salomone is known for his insightful spiritual direction and as a patron saint of people living with cancer and by his intercession he is invoked against cancer.
Bl Mary Bartholomew Bagnesi.jpgO God, in Blessed Mary Bartholomew you brought together steadfastness in suffering and innocence of life as we endure many trials may we be helped by your grace.

Blessed Mary Bartholomew Bagnesi (1514- 1577), a Florentine, received the habit of a Sister of Penance, that is, a lay Dominican sister, in 1547. She suffered many physical illnesses for forty-five years which confined to her bed. Despite the consultation with doctors of all stripes, she bore her sickly life filled the pains with courage. She died on this date but for some reason, was buried at the Carmelite monastery in Florence.
Death of St Dominic.jpgRejoice to the full in the glory that is yours, alleluia, and give thanks to God, alleluia, who called you to his kingdom, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

God of truth, you graciously enlightened your Church by the merits and teaching of Saint Dominic, your confessor and our father. By his prayers grant that the Church may never lack for temporal help, and may grow ever richer in spiritual blessings.

From the Preface for today's Mass it is prayed:

We praise and bless you today because you called our Father Dominic to enrich the church by renewing the apostolic way of life. Disciple of Christ, the very Christ who became poor for our sake, Dominic called the lost and the wandering home by preaching the Good News. He gathered a band of preachers together. Nourished by the light of sacred study they gave themselves without reservation to the proclamation that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Today's memorial for the Order of Preachers is not often celebrated anymore because it conflicts with the larger and more significant observance of Our Lady Help of Christians. But originally this liturgical observance marked the first time the mortal remains of Saint Dominic were moved having been first buried in the Church of Saint Nicholas of the Vineyards, Bologna, Italy.  Because of the healings at Dominic's intercession made his sons apprehensive to accept the miracles, Pope Gregory IX order that Dominic's body be moved to a marble sepulchre.  The translation took place on Pentecost, May 24, 1233, which marked the beginning of the canonization process. At the conclusion of the process Pope Gregory IX canonized Dominic a saint on July 3, 1234.  In 1267, Dominic's body was moved a second time, to his present tomb.
Bl Columba of Rieti.jpgGod of all mercy, you made Blessed Columba shine forth by the innocence of her life and by her zeal for peace. By the help of her teaching may we live together in unity and serve you with pure minds.

Blessed Columba of Rieti (1467-1501), even before her formal religious life began she made private vows to the Lord, had mystical visions, bi-located and was known to be a model of holiness. She, at the request of a bishop, began a third order convent of sisters. Accused of terrible things by one Borgia pope became a counselor to another, whom she called to repentance. She was much beloved by the people.
Blessed Imelda Lambertini.jpgLord Jesus Christ, you received into heaven Blessed Imelda who loved you in the eucharistic banquet. By her prayers may we learn to approach your holy table with that same fervent love and so fulfill our longing to be with you, who live and reign with the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

Blessed Imelda (1322-1333) is the patroness of young people receiving their First Holy Communion. An apt saint to ask for intercession from during this time of the year when so many young people are receiving the eucharistic Lord. Imelda entered the convent at age 9 but couldn't receive Holy Communion until see was 14, on the vigil of the Ascension; she died immediately thereafter in perfect communion with the Lord. 
O God, in the midst of the royal court you strengthened Blessed Jane with purity of heart. By her prayers may your faithful turn from the things of earth and seek after the things of heaven.

Blessed Jane (1452-1490) was the daughter of King Alphonse of Portugal who entered a Dominican convent who lived with openness to God's invitation to a life of purity of heart. She was a capable rule of her father's kingdom; because the continuation of her family's rule of Portugal was questionable because of her brother's poor health, Jane didn't take vows as a Dominican nun until a prudent decision could be made to secure the dynasty. Until her profession of vows she lived at a convent of nuns according to their rule and doing works of charity with her money.
St Antoninus.jpg

The fear of the Lord is holy, abiding for ever. The decrees of the Lord are truth and all of them just. 

Eternal God, you blessed Saint Antoninus with a marvelous gift of counsel. By the help of his prayers while we walk in the darkness of this life, may we learn from a light of Christ all that we ought to do.

Saint Antoninus (1389-1459) was a Dominican friar was known for his evangelical zeal, holiness, the desire to live the Dominican life with integrity, the desire to attend to the poor, the reconciliation of sinners, and harmonious workings of society, both political and economic. He is the author of several books, including his own Summa theologica. His liturgical memorial is observed today even though on the Roman Maryrology the observance is noted for May 2.

From the Vita

He required of himself the most unflinching observance of the Rule of his Order, and never ate meat unless he were grievously ill. He slept upon the ground or upon bare boards. He always wore haircloth, and sometimes an iron girdle which bit into his naked skin. His virginity he kept ever undimmed by the last breath or shadow. He was so skillful in giving advice that he gained the common nickname of Antoninus the Counselor. At the same time so beautifully brilliant was his lowliness, that even when he was at the head of houses and provinces of his Order, he most cheerfully underook all the meanest services of the house where he was. Eugenius IV appointed him Archbishop of Florence, and he took it so ill, that it was only when awed by the threats of the Apostolic See that he obeyed, and accepted the dignity.

BVM & OP.jpgBlessed are you, O Virgin Mary, for you came the salvation of the world. Already glorious, you rejoice before the Lord. Intercede for us with your Son. Alleluia!


Faithful God, our Father Dominic founded the Order of Preachers under the special patronage of the Blessed Virign Mary. May her prayers continue to support us that we may rejoice in the glory you promise.

About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]



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