Dominican saints & blesseds: January 2010 Archives

Saint Thomas Aquinas

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St Thomas Aquinas2.jpgBlessed be the Lord; for love of him Saint Thomas Aquinas spent long hours in prayer, study, and writing. (Gospel antiphon for Lauds)

O Lord my God, help me to be obedient without reserve, poor without servility, chaste without compromise, humble without pretense, joyful without depravity, serious without affectation, active without frivolity, submissive without bitterness, truthful without duplicity, fruitful in good works without presumption, quick to revive my neighbor without haughtiness, and quick to edify others by word and example without simulation.

Grant me, O Lord, an ever-watchful heart that no alien thought can lure away from You; a noble heart that no base love can sully; an upright heart that no perverse intention can lead astray; an invincible heart that no distress can overcome; an unfettered heart that no impetuous desires can hold back.

O Lord my God, also bestow upon me understanding to know You, zeal to seek You, wisdom to find You, a life that is pleasing to You, unshakable perseverance, and a hope that will one day take hold of You.

May I do penance here below and patiently bear your chastisements. May I also receive the benefits of your grace, in order to taste your heavenly joys and contemplate your glory. AMEN.

Aquinas is the patron saint of academics, apologists, book sellers, Catholic schools (all levels), pencil makers, theologians and publishers.

Blessed Andrew of Peschiera

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God of all holiness, you filled Blessed Andrew with an apostolic spirit. Help us to imitate his words and example that we may advance in holiness and live fruitful lives.

Blessed Andrew, a Dominican priest, worked 45 years as a traveling preacher in the Italian Alps. He founded churches, schools and orphanages and was known as a miracle worker.

Saint Margaret of Hungary

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I will lead her into the desert and speak to her heart. She shall respond there as in the days of her youth.

St Margaret of Hungary.jpgO God of truth, through the Holy Spirit you blessed our sister Margaret with true humility. Teach us that same integrity so that we may constantly turn from our selfishness to your love. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

More on Saint Margaret of Hungary may be read herehere and here.

Some hold her feast on January 26th, but the Dominicans commemorate her today. In her family there are few saints: Saint Elizabeth of Hungary and Kinga and Blessed Yolanda. She was canonized by the Venerable Servant of God Pope Pius XII on her aunt, Saint Elizabeth;s feast day in 1943.

Blessed Bernard Scammacca

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Merciful God, you led Blessed Bernard along the path of conversion and evangelical perfection. With the help of his prayers and by following his example may we have sorrow for our offenses and turn to you with hearts cleansed of sin.

Saint Francis of Assisi is not the only one to have have sway over birds and animals, our blessed friend, Bernard is also known for the same. He had the gift of prophecy and was particularly kind to sinners in the confessional.

Blessed Bernard is the patron saint for those living with paralysis and confessors. He is also listed among those whose bodies have not decayed.

Saint Raymond of Peñafort

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St Raymond of Penafort.jpegThe whole law has found its fulfillment in this one saying: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

Almighty and compassionate Father, through the life and teaching of our brother Raymond you show us that love is the fulfillment of the law. Fill our hearts with love and so make us grow in freedom as your sons and daughters.

Saint Raymond is the patron saint for attorneys, barristers, canonists, lawyers, medical record librarians.

Saint Zedislava Berkiana

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Sts Zedislava & John Sarkander.jpg

Faithful God, by her married life and works of charity you taught Saint Zedislava to pursue the way of perfection. By her prayers may family life be strengthened and be a witness to Christian virtue.

Saint Zedislava is depicted as a third order Dominican (in the Dominican habit on the left in the image) wearing a rosary wound with roses, lying in the place of a sick person in bed. She is the patron saint of difficult marriages and people who are ridiculed for their piety.

About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]



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