Benedictines: May 2011 Archives

The well at Portsmouth Abbey. Beauty expressed simply.
Well Portsmouth Abbey.JPG

Br Paul Quenon.jpgBrother Paul Quenon, OCSO, has been a monk for 52 years. That is, he's been trying to live in God and by learning to deepen one's capacity to love in community; that's how he describes life as a Trappist monk. A one-time spiritual son of Father Louis (Thomas Merton), Brother Paul lives a contemplative life --that is, on the margins of society but at the center of the Church. His witness is a life of proclaiming the beauty of Christ from an abbey of the Strict Observance of Cistercians. Religion and Ethics Newsweekly's Judy Valente interviewed Brother Paul recently at his home, the Abbey of Gethsemani.

The interview can be viewed here.

Brother Paul continues his conversation with some extra questions and answers noted here. Here he talks about Father M. Louis -- Thomas Merton: his personality and life, his call, the spirituality he lived and taught, and the mystery of what he sought.

PIL cinquanta logo.jpgThis week the Pontifical Liturgical Institute centered at the Pontifical Athenaeum of Saint Anselm (AKA Sant'Anselmo) held the Ninth International Congress on the Liturgy in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of Institute's foundation. The theme of the congress was "The Pontifical Liturgical Institute: Between Memory and Prophecy." In the Clementine Hall, the Pope met with Abbot Notker Wolf, Abbot Primate and Chancellor of the Pontifical Athenaeum, Dom Juan Javier Flores, professors and participants in the Congress. The Italian version of the Pope's talk is here; he English translation: Benedict XVI to Pontifical Liturgical Institute May 6 2011.pdf  The Pope said several noteworthy things, among them:

"Blessed John XXIII, recognizing the requests of the liturgical movement that sought to give new impetus and a new spirit to the Church's prayer, shortly before Vatican Council II and during its celebration, asked the faculty of Benedictines on the Aventine Hill to establish a center for study and research to ensure a solid basis for conciliar liturgical reform," said Pope Benedict XVI.
Lepori 2010.jpgThe newly elected Abbot General of the Order of Cistercians, Abbot Mauro-Giuseppi Lepori, OCist, has been a part of the lay ecclesial Movement, Communion and Liberation for many years.

In the February issue of Traces, Abbot Mauro was interviewed by Davide Perillo in an article titled, "Called to Live for Him." Here Abbot Mauro talks about his election as Abbot General of the Order of Cistercians, his vocation, Jesus Christ, community life, individualism life within the Movement of Communion and Liberation, St Benedict, and more. I recommend the article.

A previous post on Abbot Mauro-Giuseppi can be read here.

About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]



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