Blessed Virgin Mary: June 2009 Archives

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Rejoice we all in the Lord, as we keep festival in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary: whose solemnity makes angels joyful and sets them praising the Son of God. Joyful the thoughts that well up from my heart, I shall speak of the works of the King


Mother of Perpetual Help,

with the greatest confidence

we come before your holy picture

to be inspired by the example of your life.


We think of you at that moment when,

full of faith and trust,

you accepted God's call

to be the mother of his Son.

Help us, your children,

to accept with joy our own calling in life.


When you learned that your cousin Elizabeth was in need

you immediately went to serve her

and offer your help.

Help us, like you,

to be concerned for others.


We think of you, Mother,

at the foot of the cross.

Your heart must have bled

to see your Son in agony.


But your joy was great

when he rose from the dead,

victorious over the powers of evil.

Mother of Sorrows,

help us through the trials and

disappointments of life.

Help us not to lose heart.


May we share with you and your Son

the joy of having courageously faced up

to all the challenges of life.


Pope John Paul II, in his Angelus Address of July 2, 1989 said:

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"The Spirit molded the Heart of Jesus in the womb of Mary, who collaborated actively with him as mother and educator. As mother, she adhered knowingly and freely to the salvific plan of God the Father.... As educator, she had molded the Heart of her son; with Saint Joseph she introduced him to the traditions of the Chosen People, inspired in him a love for the Law of the Lord, communicated to him the spirituality of the 'poor of the Lord.' She had helped him to develop his intellect and exercised a sure influence in the formation of his character. ...Therefore we can truly say: in the Heart of Christ there shines forth the wonderful work of the Holy Spirit; in it there is also reflected the heart of his Mother. May every Christian heart be like the Heart of Christ: obedient to the Spirit's action and to the Mother's voice."

About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]



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