Pope John Paul II, in his Angelus Address of July 2, 1989 said:

"The Spirit molded the Heart of Jesus in the womb of Mary, who
collaborated actively with him as mother and educator. As mother, she adhered
knowingly and freely to the salvific plan of God the Father.... As educator, she
had molded the Heart of her son; with Saint Joseph she introduced him to the
traditions of the Chosen People, inspired in him a love for the Law of the
Lord, communicated to him the spirituality of the 'poor of the Lord.' She had
helped him to develop his intellect and exercised a sure influence in the
formation of his character. ...Therefore we can truly say: in the Heart of Christ
there shines forth the wonderful work of the Holy Spirit; in it there is also
reflected the heart of his Mother. May every Christian heart be like the Heart
of Christ: obedient to the Spirit's action and to the Mother's voice."
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