Blessed Virgin Mary: August 2011 Archives

Coronation of the Virgin AdiBartolo.jpg

Queen of Heaven means Queen of Earth, Queen of the Truth of earth, of earth in its permanent truth, because veritas Domini manet: the truth of Being endures.

The wait for Christ's return-and each of us is called to experience this-is the passion and the joy, the joyous hope for that day when all the world will be truly itself, all mankind will acknowledge Him, and Christ will truly be "everything in everyone." That moment is the meaning of everything that is, the meaning of the whole of time, of all that we do, and the apex, the heart of hope, because man's glory depends on this; in this adherence man begins to cry out God's glory. Our life seeks glory because it is made for this. Glory is not something promised for the future, but is a promise already begun and already fulfilled. To the extent that we offer ourselves and acknowledge that the substance of everything is Christ, this promise is accomplished for us. Paradise is not somewhere else; it will be here. Paradise is the total truth between you and me, in the relationship between you and me; it is the total truth in the relationship between me and the image that comes to me through thought, between me and things. Paradise is a feast which "fulfills every feast the heart has desired."

May the hand of Our Lady introduce us into the Mystery, because this is the meaning of our days, the meaning of time that passes. May her gaze guide us on our journey, may her example teach us, may her figure be the plan of our purpose. Generous Mother, who generates for us the great presence of Christ, we want to be consoled, comforted, nourished, enriched, and gladdened by that Presence which was born again from your flesh, and for this reason we ask you to make us participate in your freedom, your readiness to help, your life.

Luigi Giussani

The Holy Rosary

Virgin in Glory GBellini.jpgIn the Ascension, the Lord, with His Resurrection, has become the Master of the World. Therefore, there is One among us who will save everything that we are, who is so powerful as to save our life, as to preserve it entire in order to give it back to us whole by forgiving our sins. The demonstration of this is the mystery of the Assumption, when He took Our Lady's humanity and did not leave her in the clutches of death even for an instant.

With the mystery of the Assumption, the Lord says, "You see, I will not let you lose anything of what I have given you, of what you have used, of what you have tasted, even of what you have misused, if you are humble with me. Blessed are the poor in spirit, that is to say: if you acknowledge that everything is grace, that everything is mercy, because your criteria are nothing, my criterion will be everything." Our Lady is already at this ultimate, profound level of Being from which all beings draw substance, life, and destiny. This is why she was bodily lifted into heaven, where the Mystery of God dwells: so that she would be for us, daily, the Mother of the event.

The glorification of Our Lady's body indicates the ideal of Christian morality, the valuing of every moment, every instant. Therefore it is the prizing of life, of our existence, the life of the world's body, it is the exaltation of matter lived by the soul, lived by the consciousness which is relationship with God. It is the prizing of our earthly life, not because it is a lucky one due to particular circumstances, but because through even the smallest things is borne our relationship with the Infinite, with the mystery of God

(Luigi Giussani, The Holy Rosary)

Today's feast celebrates the ultimate fulfillment of Mary's journey as God's faithful and humble servant. As we reflect on this joyful feast, we hopefully realize that she is inviting us and teaching us to sing the Magnificat [the text for today's Gospel] along with her as we continue along our own journeys, however near or far the fulfillment of our journey remains. We too are invited to proclaim in joy and humble service the compassion and justice of our God. Today's feast assures us that like Mary, in serving the reign of God, we too will one day share in her destiny. (Father Damian, Abbot of Saint Joseph's Abbey, Spencer)

The Office of Readings leads us to shout for joy:

Dearest brethren, this is a time when all flesh should shout for joy, because the Mother of the Word made flesh is assumed into heaven; nor should human mortality desist from singing songs of praise on this glorious festival, when the nature of man is elevated in the Virgin to solitary eminence, high above all the orders of immortal spirits. (Saint Bernard, Second Nocturn)

Dormition of the BVM, french unknown master.jpgAugust 1 through 14 is a period of fasting in the Byzantine churches in preparation for the feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos (Assumption) on August 15.  

Unfortunately, we in the Roman Church have lost the Assumption fast, but we continue to bless herbs and flowers on this solemnity.

It is truly right to bless you, O Theotokos, as the ever-blessed and immaculate Mother of our God. More honorable than the cherubim, and by far more glorious than the seraphim, ever a virgin, you gave birth to God the Word; O true Theotokos, we magnify you!

"Dostojno je."

About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]



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