The designs of his Heart are from age to age, to rescue their souls from death,
and to keep them alive in famine. (Entrance ant. Ps 33)

I am always enthralled with the Church's solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. The wondrous love poured out for us, Christ's Heart is the center of our life of love, forgiveness, peace, compunction, and action. It is from the Heart of Christ that the Church is born and sacraments given as a sign and nourishment.
In his chapter "The Heart of Jesus at His Birth in Bethlehem" Blessed Louis Guanella offers this prayer to the Sacred Heart:
O Most Holy
Heart of Jesus, I cannot love you as the Blessed Mother loved you. I feel bad
about it. I would like to love you, as the chaste Joseph did. At least, O Lord,
make me love you with simplicity and affection equal to that of the devout
shepherds. How happy will I be when I will really begin to love you! How
fortunate I will be when, enkindling my accent, I will be able to applaud
around you with the choirs of angels, saying: "Glory to God in the highest, and
peace on earth to men of good will!"
Blessed Louis Guanella
In the Month of
Fervor: Thirty Scriptural Maxims Developed on the Sacred Heart of Jesus for
Christian Souls
May the fire of the Heart of Jesus burn brightly within us!