A young Spanish Jesuit priest, Father Bernardo Francisco de Hoyos (1711-1735), will be beatified on April 18, 2010, in Valladolid, Spain. Why is he important to us? Well, he'll be counted among the saints and blesseds who spread the devotion to the Sacred of Heart of Jesus and the Lord's desire to give bountiful graces. De Hoyos' heavenly companionship will be with the likes of Saints Gertrude and Mechtild, Saints Theresa of Jesus (Avila) and John Eudes, Saints Margaret Mary Alacoque and Claude La Colombiere, and Saint Faustina.
Father de Hoyos was commissioned by the Lord Himself to spread devotion to His Sacred Heart in Spain on May 4, 1733. He can infer that the Lord wants the devotion to His Sacred Heart spread throughout the world.
H2O news ran
a video clip about some forthcoming projects regarding the young blessed and the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. See see
this website.