Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus, wrote an open letter to Senator Joseph Biden, 2008 VP candidate, regarding his remarks on abortion and the teaching of the Catholic Church. The appeal Anderson makes is one Catholic to another. The invitation is personal to discuss Catholic teaching and the importance of true faith.
Biden makes the claim to be a faithful Catholic and his known to attend Sunday Mass among other things. Biden also claims to hold what the Church teaches regarding abortion, "the unspeakable crime," and yet he is a pro-choice senator. The public record of Senator Biden shows no affection (i.e., he's not obedient to the Lord and His sacrament the Church) for the Catholic he purports to be convicted by and to sustain him unto salvation. He's afflicted with the Mario Como disease which says "personally I am opposed to abortion but I am not going to impose my views on others."
Carl Anderson's letter to Joseph Biden can be read here. The letter outlines the issues at hand: the misleading statements Biden has made regarding Catholic teaching and reserving Catholic moral teaching from the legislative process and voting.
Instead of writing Biden off from a fruitful conversation, which many would do, Anderson is doing the noble thing by inviting Biden to the table to discuss his statements --Biden's wrong thinking-- regarding what Catholic faith teaches about life and why one can't claim to be a faithful Catholic and hold that abortion is acceptable, even to the point of voting for legislation securing abortion rights.
Senator Biden has a choice: either accept the Church's clear, consistent teaching about the value of human life by accepting and working for the uborn or risk salvation.
Abortion violates natural law, the 6th Commandment, New Testament truth, the teaching of the fathers of the Church, the Magisterium of the Catholic Church and love.