One would think that intelligent people at Catholic institutions of higher education would know the difference between being pro-life and not. Fordham University, a "Catholic" and a "Jesuit" university has announced that it will give the Fordham-Stein Ethics Prize to Supreme Court Justice Stephen G. Breyer. The honor "recognizes one individual each year whose work, according to
the prize's charter, 'exemplifies outstanding standards of professional conduct, promotes the advancement of justice, and brings credit to the profession by emphasizing in the public mind the contributions of lawyers to our society and to our democratic system of government.'"
Breyer's award dinner is scheduled for October 29, 2008.
I wonder how Fordham's round heads justify this act of dissent and claim to assent to Catholic teaching. I certainly don't recognize this bestowal of honor on a pro-abortion Supreme Court Justice as consistent with Catholic teaching. How is giving a prize for ethics congruent with the Justice's pro-choice record? Explain this to me Father McShane? Are we now beginning to say argue that Fordham is coming out as a non-Catholic university?
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