Holy See: July 2012 Archives

Father Cerrato CO.jpgOratorian Father Edoardo Aldo Cerrato, 62, until now Procurator General of the Confederation of the Oratory, has been nominated bishop of Ivrea, Italy. This is a diocese founded sometime in the 5th century and is the Province of Turin. The new bishop will be ordained on September 8 and will be installed on October 7.

As a member of the Biella Oratory (northern Italy), he was ordained on June 28, 1975. He was elected the Provost (religious superior) of the Biella Oratory from 1984-2005. And since 1994 he's been Procurator General. In his time as the Procurator General, the Oratorian life has seen growth of 20 new houses around the world.

Father Cerrato was due to step down from his work as the Procurator General in September at the General Congress.

Many may not know of the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri but that's because there are few them in the USA. The most known are the Oratories in Rock Hill, SC, Brooklyn, NY and Pittsburgh, PA. An Oratory-in-formation was established recently in Cincinnati. 

You may read more about this gem of the Church here.

I have met Father Cerrato a few times and always found him a fine man and priest, one who cares for the souls in front of him. The Diocese of Ivrea is blessed to have him. Cerrato is one of three Oratorian bishops in the world (2 of whom live in Mexico).

May Saint Philip Neri and Blessed John Henry Newman, intercede for Bishop-Elect Cerrato, CO.
muller and pope.JPGThe new and quickly noted CDF Prefect, German Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller, 64, is talking to the press about various things, particularly of the recent talks the Holy See's been having with the SSPX. With all the interviews and loose translations of the same, it's going to be an interesting time with the new Prefect. 

Archbishop Müller no doubt has good credentials and gives the impression that he supports the Holy Father's work in theology, but one wonders if he can withstand the criticism, severe at times, for his intellectual interests in other fields of theology that appear to be at odds with the magisterium. Having said this, I think it is way too early to render a judgment on the man. The complexities he faces in the Church are many. When in doubt, give the plus-sign.

Here are some of the things people are saying....

Catholic News Agency posted this article on Muller's thoughts...

Today's interview written up by Cindy Wooden of CNS is posted here.

Archbishop Müller's biography is posted here.

Watching the current affairs of the Catholic Church in China always leaves me a bit perplexed. For me, there is no easy way to understand such a complex situation. The day bishops were ordained by the government sponsored Church without the approval of the Holy Father. This is not a mere stepping on someone's toes. It is the breaking of communion between the head and the body, between the Pope and a bishop. Catholics follow Saint Peter to Christ. Catholics faithful to the Faith thereby faithful to the Pope suffer for such obedience. In fact, Bishop Ma said the gathered people that he would not work with the government Church, his ministry was restricted. He went missing for a time following his ordination. See the Vatican Insider story here.

Our Lady Help of Christians, pray for us.

What follows is the Vatican summary of what's going on:

Bishop Ma Daqin.jpg

Following is the communique released this morning on the episcopal ordination of the Reverend Joseph Yue Fusheng in Harbin and the Reverend Thaddeus Ma Daqin as Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Shanghai.

"With regard to the episcopal ordination of the Reverend Joseph Yue Fusheng, which took place in Harbin (Province of Heilongjiang) on Friday 6 July 2012, the following is stated:

1) The Reverend Joseph Yue Fusheng, ordained without pontifical mandate and hence illicitly, has automatically incurred the sanctions laid down by canon 1382 of the Code of Canon Law. Consequently, the Holy See does not recognize him as Bishop of the Apostolic Administration of Harbin, and he lacks the authority to govern the priests and the Catholic community in the Province of Heilongjiang.

About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]yahoo.com.



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