Blessed Virgin Mary: September 2010 Archives

Our Lady of Sorrows

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NS de Dolores.jpgThere is certain richness these days in the liturgical memorials given to us by the Church (remember on St John Chrysostom on the 13th, the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on the 14th and Sts Cornelius and Cyprian on the 16th), all pointing to the meaning real Christian witness: that radical, honest, hopeful Christian discipleship means following Christ to the cross, adoring His sacred Passion and living as redeemed persons.

The bookend saints with the Blessed Mother provide us not only good example of what and who the Christian is called to be, but the truth of the Incarnation and the self-giving sacrifice of Jesus: to stand in very close proximity to Christ crucified. By baptism we share in the suffering of Christ's Passion which gives way to sharing in His resurrection.

The Blessed Mother, today, under the title of Sorrows, reminds us the limitless love of God for us. With Mary, we know how to live the desire of our hearts for compassion, mercy and love. It is only through her that we know how to live in the intimacy of a spousal relationship with Christ and the Church.

For info on the 7 Sorrows of the Blessed Mother read the posts here and here.
Beatitudes and Beads Powell.jpgBeatitudes and Beads is a 32 page booklet guides the user through the Beatitudes of the Sermon on the Mount, often called Lord's Commandments which have the same force as the Decalogue. Beatitudes and Beads gives the user the original rosary with meditations on the Eight Beatitudes.

As the author states so clearly, "Our happiness in Christ is not assured because we're right or powerful or feared. Jesus said we inherit the kingdom when we face insult, persecution, and lies with gladness, charity and mercy." So very true but so hard to live, but we ought not shy away from trying to live the Beatitudes.

The author, Dominican Father Philip Neri Powell is a member of the Order of Preachers of the Southern Province, pursuing studies at the Angelicum, Rome. 

Liguori Publications sells the booklet for $2.50 (click on the link above).

On this our liturgical remembrance of Our Lady's birthday, it is apt to recall what Saint Andrew of Crete, preached: 

This is the highest, all-embracing benefit that Christ has bestowed upon us. This is the revelation of the mystery, this is the emptying-out of the divine nature, the union of God and man, and the deification of the manhood that was assumed. This radiant and manifest coming of God to men most certainly needed a joyful prelude to introduce the great gift of salvation to us. The present festival --the nativity of the Theotokos-- is that prelude, while the final act is the foreordained union of the Word with flesh. Today the Virgin is born, tended and formed, and prepared for her role as Mother of God, that God who is the universal King of all the ages!

Birth of Mary DGhirlanaio.jpg

With the choirs of saints and angels,
Let the Church be joined as one,
Binding earth to highest heaven,
Praising Jesus, Mary's Son
Son of God-the Father's glory
Who took flesh that we might be
Reconciled, reborn, forgiven,

From the pow'r of sin set free!

On this solemn, joyful feast day
Let us sing a song of praise,
Thanking God for Mary's witness
Faithfully kept all her days.
From her birth to blessed Anna,
Mary listened to God's word,
And, when summoned by the angel,

Lived in faith what she had heard.

Glory now to God the Father,
Who has made us for his own;
Glory now to Christ our Savior,
Who has raised us to his throne;
Glory now to God the Spirit,    
Who renews us in his grace: 
Laud and honor, never ceasing,  

Be to God from all our race!

J. Michael Thompson
Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications 


About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]



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