We beseech Thee, almighty God, grant that we who celebrate the heavenly birth of the blessed English Cistercian Martyrs, may be strengthened by their intercession in the love of Thy Name.

Dom John Harrison,
Abbot of Kirkstead, with Dom Richard Wade, Dom William Small and Dom Henry
Dom John Paslew, Abbot of Whalley, with Dom William Haydock and Dom
Richard Eastgate.
The Abbot of Fountains
and a monk of Louth Park.
In 1538, these Cistercians were martyred:
Dom Robert
Hobbes, Abbot of Woburn,
with Dom Rudolph Barnes and Dom Laurence Blunham.
The Church also acknowledges
as authentic confessors of the faith: Dom Thomas Mudd, monk of Jervaulx,
who died on September 7, 1583;
Dom John Almond, who died on April 18, 1585;
Gilbert Browne, the last Abbot of Sweetheart, who died on March 14, 1612.