1. God preserved Mary from every stain of sin by foreseeing the death of His Son Jesus, and so we pray too, that is, we hope to be cleansed of sin and admitted to communion with Him;
2. we profess belief in God's prevenient grace given to Mary and we hope that He will deliver us from sin;
3. in the Preface, the priest prays that in Mary who was "endowed with the rich fullness of your [God's] grace ... [there is] a worthy Mother for your Son and [which] signify the beginning of the Church; As Pope Benedict said today, "Mary, on the other hand," he continued, "is Immaculate, free from all stain of sin. The Church is holy, but at the same time marked by our sins."
4. in her yes to God's invitation to be the Mother of Jesus, we have the "Lamb would wipe away our offenses";
5. we pray that the singular grace given to Mary may also be given to us.
This Liturgy is a mix of liturgical, dogmatic and systematic theology. BTW, this is fitting way to celebrate the graces given to our nation.
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