The Church prays,
O God, who by means of Saint Juan Diego showed the love of the most holy Virgin Mary for your people, grant through his intercession, that, by following the counsels our Mother gave at Guadalupe, we may ever be constant in fulfilling your will.
Notice the controlling ideas: through this man God revealed Himself to God's people and that through this man's prayers and good example he made known to all humanity the counsels of Mary, the Mother of God. THE counsel of Mary to us is our adherence to God's will. Having that change-of-mind, that conversion to Christ in a total way.
Want to know more about Saint Juan Diego, read a brief biography here.
Blessed John Paul II's homily at the Mass of Canonization of Juan Diego is noted here.
For what and for whom shall we pray today? For Mexico and the Church in the Americas (North, Central and South); for the Church especially in the USA to follow more closely the will of God and for those who bear the name Juan Diego.
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