Come! Lift your hearts to God on high,
That we be joined in praise this day,
For God has called this blessed man
Who leads us in Christ's narrow way.
From youth he sought to know God well,
Preferred, to all things else, Christ's love
That, freed within the three-fold vow,
His heart be set on things above.
He founded, in his holy zeal,
A school of service of the Lord
Where all might leave self-seeking cares,
That God in all things be adored.
His sons and daughters he has formed
To run the way of God's commands
Within the cloister and the world,
Through common life in many lands.
To men and women, monks and nuns,
Who strive within their rule to grow,
Give purity of heart; grant joy;
That in all thorns, Christ's peace they know.
O Father, Son, and Spirit blessed,
With Benedict we sing your praise.
All glory be, until that time
We join the saints for endless days.
J. Michael Thompson
Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications
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