Father Michael is an Orthodox monk of the Greek Orthodox Church; his monastic brotherhood at St Theodore House is a small group of convert monks living the monastic life and doing limited apostolic work.
Monk Michael has a terrific voice for God's greater glory and so he's practicing with the Boston Byzantine Choir for some forthcoming events and possible recording of a new CD. They've already recorded 4.
What made the visit easier (my parents have a small house) was the wonderful the overnight hospitality of the Benedictine Nuns of Jesus Crucified (Branford, CT). Plus, a monk needs his silence! The sisters were most gracious to receive Father Michael; it was good to renew my friendship with the sisters. Thanks be to God for the presence and friendship of these nuns and their witness.
I've known Father Michael since my time of studies in Cambridge. We some travel together with another friend and did fun things. Now, our points of real contact are few in number. I last saw Father Michael more than a year ago when he visited me in North Carolina (see the record), both he and I were at different places, as we are today. Surprise!
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