"Go forth to the world and proclaim the Good News!"
Thus sent forth, the Church has, with no time to lose,
Sent missioners brave to the ends of the earth,
That souls thralled in darkness may come to new birth.
With charity filled and heart burning with zeal,
Saint Rose sought to serve God, and sent her appeal,
Which brought her companions who caught her delight
And went to Missouri to spread Jesus' light.
In hardship and hunger, she forged on with strength;
For girls' education, she struggled at length.
And then, when her work and her harvest was nigh,
She turned to the missions for natives nearby.
O praise God the Father, O praise God the Son,
And praise God the Spirit, the great Three-in-One.
We ask through Saint Rose for strong faith, hope, and love,
As we praise the One who is reigning above.
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