"An estimated 2 billion human beings have died through abortion in the last forty years alone. This is something most people don't realise and it needs to be emphasized," says Joseph Meaney, Director of International Coordination at Human Life International. In addition, Meaney pointed out: "its becoming increasingly clear that the vast majority of Americans are against abortion on demand, and over the years more pro-life justices have been appointed to the Court, but yet the law itself and the court's decision has not changed. The result is a growing frustration among Americans that the will of the people is not being respected."
Today tens of thousands of people will march on Washington DC, to
mark this weekend's anniversary of the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision
that legalized abortion in the United States. Yesterday, Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston, celebrated Mass for thousands in DC. Since 1973, more than 50 million
babies have been aborted, and 300K women developed breast cancer as a result of
having an abortion.