There is a light that can break through any darkness.

Lumina is a post-abortion healing network helping women and men adjust and heal following the trauma of having an abortion or being closely connected with someone who has had an abortion like a spouse, significant other, or sibling. We can't overestimate the power of the affective and spiritual life when a woman has an abortion. Because many people who support abortion will minimize the impact an abortion has on a woman (and her husband or boyfriend) and the emotional effects are discounted or dismissed. The dignity of the human person tells us, we know about this real dignity in our heart: we are not merely flesh and blood, but we have a soul, a spiritual life that is intimately connected with our body and we are made for God. We are made for greatness and love and happiness in this world, and the next.
Health issues may be plentiful. Intimacy issues may arise and the beauty of sexuality is objectified. What is often overlooked is that in some case a woman can't conceive and bring to full term another child after having an abortion (or in other cases having been using contraception). What to do?
Some women report they have suffered for years with the memories of having a child that they aborted. The death of a child, whether born or yet to be born, is painful, full of dark moments, and seemingly a sin that's unforgivable.
And today we are finding that men have similar issues of the affect to deal with because of their close connection with woman who had an abortion. A few years ago the Catholic Information Service at the Knights of Columbus published a great little booklet, "Men and Abortion: Finding Healing, Restoring Hope." I recommend it.
The work of the Lumina as a post-abortion network is assist women and men realize that they can be healed, that they are loved by God even with the sin of abortion in their past and there is light that guides us along the path of life.
Prayer, hard work with a professional counselor and friendship contribute to one's healing. We are made for other people, why not let good people help the healing of the post-abortion pain?
There are plenty of opportunities in the Tri-State area.
Days of prayer and healing for men are being planned.
Days of prayer and healing for women in the coming months:
November 13, January 15, 2011, February 19, April 2, and June 11.
For more information:
Theresa Bonapartis
877.586.4621 (toll free)
or the Sisters of Life organize people through their Hope and Healing network:
866.575.0075 (toll free)