Pro Life: March 2010 Archives

Paul Marx.jpgSaturday morning the great Benedictine monk and priest and Pro-life advocate died at the age of 90. Pray for Father Paul, his monastic community and the on-going work of the Culture of Life.

O God, Who did raise Thy servant Dom Paul Benno Marx to the dignity of priest in the apostolic priesthood, grant, we beseech Thee, that he may be joined in fellowship with Thine Apostles forevermore.

Father Paul Benno Marx's obit from Saint John's Abbey, Collegeville, MN

A brief piece on Father Paul Benno Marx, OSB.

He was a fascinating man and priest. May God have mercy on him.

In contrast to the various dissenting sisters' statement in support of the 153 page HR 3590, the group representing American Catholic physicians spoke against the US Congress proposal to reform of healthcare in the United States. Read what is proposed in this bill.

The doctors who belong to the Catholic Medical Association (CMA) say that HR 3590 is "substantially flawed and [a] unacceptable piece of legislation" because it provides various ways to fund abortion, it introduces new ways to restrict the freedom of conscience clause as it is applied by healthcare workers and the bill is financially problematic, to say the least. Please don't confuse this organization with the Catholic Health Association which holds opinions contrary to the Church.

Furthermore, the CMA also contends that the Obama administration's healthcare reform bill will take away from healthcare providers the ability to make sound decisions on a patient's healthcare. And insult to the American taxpayer, the HR 3590 gives healthcare to illegal immigrants without weighing the cost that would be sustainable and reasonable for the average worker. Healthcare expenses will rise!!!!

What are Catholics for? The bishops have wanted healthcare reform for decades, especially healthcare that assists the common good, that is accessible, affordable, and that has respect for life at every stage of life. Catholics want conscience protection and no funding of abortions. Catholics want the Hyde Amendment to  remain in place. In this case it's not about the legal status of abortion --because all reasonable people would say that abortion should be reduced-- but the point is to not have the taxpayer fund abortions; an abortion is not healthcare, it is killing a person. 

Catholics ought to properly form their consciences with genuine information (from informed news sources) and make voices heard. Catholics make up 20% of voting America!!!

The US Bishops' analysis of the healthcare bill states:

1. there is an appropriation of $7 billion for community health services that can be used for  elective abortions;
2. there are federal funds to subsidize health programs that cover abortions which can expand in time;
3. the bill has the power to over-ride taxpayers' desires not to fund abortions. 

Read Archbishop Charles Chaput's insight/leadership in the healthcare reform debate.

About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]



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