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English: US President George W. Bush and his w...
In a meeting with Cardinal Angelo Amato, SDB, Prefect of the Congregation for Saints this morning in Rome, Pope Francis was presented with causes of several persons being studied for beatification and sainthood.

A special Consistory of Cardinals has been called to discuss the proposed canonizations. Notably, the cardinals will discuss the canonizations of Blessed John Paul II and Blessed John XXIII.

In today's Ordinary Consistory of Cardinals and Bishops of the Congregation for Saints, Pope Francis received the favorable votes for both popes canonization. John XXIII, though without the usual required second miracle. Moreover of note, the Prelates favorably voted on the beatification of Bishop Álvaro del Portillo, the successor of Saint Josémaría Escriva. The former Prelate of Opus Dei died in 1994. The Venerable Servant of God was in his early life as a priest a significant contributor of the work of the Second Vatican Council. Several of recognitions of sanctity were made.

The dares for the special Consistory and canonizations has not yet been set, and the canonization is expected to happen by year's end.
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English: Pope John Paul II on 12 August 1993 i...
Several weeks ago word was received that the theologians approved of the findings they were presented on a miracle studied to support Blessed John Paul's cause of canonization. A second miracle is required for the canonization process to certify that the person being presented for canonization is authentic; the person doesn't create the miracle but it is through that person's intercession before God asking Him for the favor.

It is said that this second miracle happen on the night John Paul was beatified. A Costa Rican woman is the subject of the healing. John Paul II died in 2005 and was beatified on 1 May 2011 by Pope Benedict XVI.

The full meeting of the cardinals and bishops of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints met today and likewise approved the report on the second miracle. The Congregation under the leadership of Cardinal Angelo Amato will now write a report and submit it to the Roman Pontiff for his decision.

It is speculated at by December Blessed John Paul could be sainted. Some are also speculating that Blessed John XXIII could be sainted, too.
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Having died in 2005, beatified on 1 May 2011, John Paul II may well be a saint later in 2013. Some are speculating that he may be canonized in October. A group medical professionals have recognized miracle of healing at Blessed John Paul's intercession as inexplicable.

Now the presumed miracle needs the approval  of the theologians and then  approval of the cardinals and bishops of the Congregation of Saints before the dossier is presented to Pope Francis' fiat. If all goes well, John Paul would be one of very few fast-tracked saints in the modern era: only eight years after death.

Blessed John Paul's feast day is October 22.

Blessed John Paul served as the Roman Pontiff from 1978-2005.

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May John Paul's memory be eternal.
Thinking about Blessed John Paul with Vatican Radio.

Blessed John Paul II

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BJPII.jpgThe Holy See has approved today as the liturgical memorial for Blessed Pope John Paul II. The opening collect, below, is the only prayer for the memorial and it does not appear in the Roman Missal.

O God, who are rich in mercy and who willed that the blessed John Paul the Second should preside as Pope over your universal Church, grant, we pray, that instructed by his teaching, we may open our hearts to the saving grace of Christ, the sole Redeemer of mankind.
John Paul detail.jpegToday marks the first anniversary of the historic beatification of the iconic pope, John Paul II.

For many around the world, and for a long time, it is very true to say that the newly Blessed John Paul "has accompanied me through these years." Indeed he has.

The Church prays this prayer at Mass on the feast day of Blessed John Paul II, October 22:

O God, who are rich in mercy and who willed that the Blessed John Paul II should preside as Pope over your universal Church, grant, we pray, that instructed by his teaching, we may open our hearts to the saving grace of Christ, the sole Redeemer of mankind.

Rome Reports has a recap.

Blessed Pope John Paul II, pray for us.
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Today is the first time the Church prays the Mass for the liturgical memorial of Blessed John Paul II. To date, Blessed John Paul II's feast is observed in the USA as an optional memorial. The US Conference of Bishops is requesting of the Holy See that this feast be an obligatory liturgical memorial. The second reading for the Office of Readings is here. Other texts for Mass and the Divine Office are taken from the "Common of Pastors: For a Pope."

The Collect (opening prayer for Mass) is given here in English and Latin:

O God, who are rich in mercy and who willed that the Blessed John Paul II should preside as Pope over your universal Church, grant, we pray, that instructed by his teaching, we may open our hearts to the saving grace of Christ, the sole Redeemer of mankind. Who lives and reigns.

Deus, dives in misericórdia, qui beátum Ioánnem Paulum, papam, univérsae Ecclésiae tuae praeésse voluísti, praesta, quaésumus, ut, eius institútis edócti, corda nostra salutíferae grátiae Christi, uníus redemptóris hóminis, fidénter aperiámus. Qui tecum.

The Scripture would be: first reading is Isaiah 52:7-10; the responsorial psalm is 96/95:1-2a, 2b-3, 7-8a, 10); the alleluia is John 10:14; the Gospel is John 21:15-17.

The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments published on April 2, 2011, the "Decree Concerning Liturgical Worship in Honour of Blessed John Paul II."

Blessed John Paul II

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"The absolute, and yet sweet and gentle, power of the Lord responds to the whole depths of the human person, to his loftiest aspirations of intellect, will and heart. It does not speak the language of force, but expresses itself in charity and truth.

The new Successor of Peter in the See of Rome today makes a fervent, humble and trusting prayer: Christ, make me become and remain the servant of your unique power, the servant of your sweet power, the servant of your power that knows no dusk. Make me a servant: indeed, the servant of your servants....

Do not be afraid. Open, I say open wide the doors for Christ. To his saving power open the boundaries of states, economic and political systems, the vast fields of culture, civilization and development.

Do not be afraid. Christ knows "that which is in man". He alone knows it.

So often today, man does not know that which is in him, in the depths of his mind and heart. So often he is uncertain about the meaning of his life on this earth. He is assailed by doubt, a doubt which turns into despair.

We ask you, therefore, we beg you with humility and with trust: let Christ speak to man. He alone has words of life, yes, of life eternal."

Pope John Paul II

Homily at the Beginning of the Pontificat

22 October 1978

Office of Readings for the Liturgical Memorial

john_paul_2_0921.jpgWell, that's a question. Provocative or not, I am quiet sure that it is germane 6 years later with little evidence. But Time magazine's Jeff Israel brings to our attention the hypothesis of Dr Lina Pavanelli who, in an article, "The Sweet Death of Karol Wojtyla" (Micromega), claims Blessed John Paul II was euthanized. The first thing I think of is: someone is trying to make a book deal with conspiracy theory accusing the Vatican of hiding something. But I am wondering, as Israel pointed out, that if the issue is actually the doctor's reception of Church teaching on life --or not--, especially on issues like euthanasia. Many in the medical community want to dismiss the Church's teaching on life in order to liberalize medicine enough to reduce the dignity of the human person to absurdity. There's a vibrancy in questioning Magisterial teaching on life in Europe because of proposed legislation.

Remember all the questions about the death of Pope John Paul I?

Father Julián Carrón, president of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation was interviewed by the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano on the beatification of Pope John Paul II. Father Carrón said that "beatification of John Paul II ... is a 'strong invitation' to conversion."

Keeping in mind what Blessed John Paul did for Communion and Liberation in recognizing the charism proposed by Father Luigi Giussani, Father Carrón recalled the words of John Paul who considered that a Movement "becomes a special instrument for a personal and ever-new adherence to the mystery of Christ." For those who follow the path to Christ offered by Communion and Liberation will know that the vocation of being a part of Communion and Liberation --given by the Holy Spirit-- means bringing "the truth, beauty and peace that are encountered in Christ the Redeemer" to the world.

Father Carrón's remarks can be read here: Interview with Fr Carrón on the JP II Beatification.pdf
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This evening --Rome time-- Blessed John Paul II's body was given its final resting place in the Vatican Basilica. He rests near to the famous Pietá of Michelangelo.

The video clip of the John Paul's newest move can viewed here.
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Blessed John Paul II, pray for us.
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A great picture is worth a 1000 words, perhaps fewer if you just want to take-in the beauty of the moment.

Today, L'Osservatore Romano published a photo gallery of yesterday's beatification ceremonies of Pope John Paul II by Benedict XVI in Rome. The gallery is really a stunning photographic essay ....

Here's Pope Benedict's homily at the Mass in which he beatified Pope John Paul II today:


Six years ago we gathered in this Square to celebrate the funeral of Pope John Paul II. Our grief at his loss was deep, but even greater was our sense of an immense grace which embraced Rome and the whole world: a grace which was in some way the fruit of my beloved predecessor's entire life, and especially of his witness in suffering. Even then we perceived the fragrance of his sanctity, and in any number of ways God's People showed their veneration for him. For this reason, with all due respect for the Church's canonical norms, I wanted his cause of beatification to move forward with reasonable haste. And now the longed-for day has come; it came quickly because this is what was pleasing to the Lord: John Paul II is blessed!

Holiness is all that matters. Period. Being with God is the ultimate goal of every Christian's desire. The holiness of a person whose cause is being considered for beatification rests on the verification of a miracle -done by God at the request of another, in the case at hand, at John Paul's intercession. The person who received the gift of the miraculous healing was Sister Marie Simon-Pierre, a sister of the Congregation of the Little Sisters of Catholic Motherhood. Sister Marie Simon-Pierre was living with Parkinson's and attributes a complete healing to the intercession of Pope John Paul II. The pope suffered from the same disease. The following testimony given in 2006 and verified by medical professionals last autumn, sealed the case to beatify Pope John Paul II. Zenit provided the text.

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In June 2001, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. The disease had affected the whole left side of my body, creating great difficulties for me as I am left-handed. After three years, the initial phase of the disease, slow but progressive, was followed by an aggravation of the symptoms: accentuation of the trembling, rigidity, pain, insomnia.

From April 2, 2005, I began to worsen week by week, I grew worse day by day, I was unable to write (I repeat that I am left-handed), and if I attempted it, what I wrote was unintelligible. I could drive only for short trips because my left leg would stiffen sometimes, and my rigidity would have impeded my driving. Moreover, to do my work in a hospital, it took more time than usual. I was exhausted.

After learning my diagnosis, it was difficult for me to watch John Paul II on television. However, I felt very close to him in prayer and I knew he could understand what I was going through. I also admired his strength and courage, which motivated me not to give in and to love this suffering, because without love none of this made sense. I can say that it was a daily struggle, but my only wish was to live it with faith and in loving adherence to the will of the Father.

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Cardinal Agostino Vallini, 70, Pope's vicar of Rome gave the following talk at tonight's Vigil at the Circus Maximus in advance of Pope John Paul II's tomorrow's beatification.

Divine Providence gives us this evening the joy of a great experience of grace and light. With this Marian prayer vigil we hope to prepare ourselves for tomorrow's celebration, the solemn beatification of the Venerable Servant of God John Paul II. Even though it has been six years since the death of the great Pope--Bishop of Rome and Pastor of the universal Church for 27 years--his memory is particularly vibrant. We feel veneration, affection, admiration, and deep gratitude for the beloved pontiff.

About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]



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