Thanks to Gary Stern at Blogging Religiously for bringing the recent Kenneth Woodward article, "Church of the 'Times'" to my attention. Commonweal magazine will be publishing a print edition of this article in the May 7, 2010 edition. Woodward's perspective is just one among many, but does it have merit????
Faith & Reason: April 2010 Archives
McGill University professor of History John Zucchi, Canada's national leader for Communion and Liberation, asks the provocative question in a brief essay, "Why I am a Catholic." John is a great guy, he's serious about his faith and he's sensitive to the movement of the Holy Spirit, but no one would claim he's a mediocre follower of Christ. The claims of faith in Christ, Zucchi tells us, have to have two criteria borrowing from Luigi Giussani: faith in Christ has to be reasonable and it has to broaden my humanity, a gift given by God Himself. Reason and humanity lead to and exude Mercy. Paraphrasing Cardinal Ratzinger in God and the World, to be a Christian means that you are sympathetic toward one's humanity that of another; a Christian is accepting of one's injuries and within these wounds a deeper healing is found.
I highly recommend you read, and re-read God and the World (2002),Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger's conversation with Peter Seewald. It's more than right on target....
Joseph (Jody) Bottum, Editor of First Things and a contributing editor at the Weekly Standard, wrote what may go down as THE best essay on the sex abuse crisis facing the Catholic Church in the current issue of the Weekly Standard, "Anti-Catholicism: The permanent scandal of the Vatican" (May 3, 2010). Bottum's piece is long but it's worth a thorough read. For those looking for the print edition, the article hit the news stands on Saturday in most places but the link is noted above.

theme of the 2010 MedConference will highlight the central role of the 'person'
in medical care and will focus on the complex need of the patient, including
the need to be healed and the need to find a meaning for their suffering.
Care and the Person: The Heart of the Matter
July 16-18, 2010
Hyatt on the
Hudson, Jersey City, NJ
Visit the website (see below), to see the preliminary
program and to enroll (keep in mind that places are limited).
2009 MedConference (you can see pictures and read transcripts)