Dominicans: April 2013 Archives

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Pope Benedict XV (1914-1922), himself a Third Order Dominican, said,

"Among the means of holiness most useful and opportune for the defense of and progress of Christian faith and morals in our day, we recognize the Dominican Third Order as one of the most eminent, easy, and secure."

This afternoon New Haven's Lay Fraternity of Saint Dominic (the Dominican Third Order Laity) celebrated the rites of reception for two new members, simple profession of five and the final profession of two in the context of Sunday Mass. The president of the chapter Linda Kelly and the religious assistant, Father Jordan Schmidt, OP, (who stands in the place of the Master of the Order) received the promises. The rites were held at Saint Mary's Church in New Haven, CT.

The promises made a more intense living of one's baptismal vows but now the person promises actually live in a fuller way as the Apostles did in relationship to the Divine Master. Though we rarely think of the graces of Baptism with any regularity, here the profession of promises by the laity accentuate the reality of grace first received when we were first washed of Original Sin and made members of the Mystical Body of Christ. 

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One of the exhortations made by the priest singled out the the manner of life out to be seen as being salt of the earth and light of the world for the purpose of honoring God and the salvation of souls. Hence, what is at the center of the promises are the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Those making the promises are asked if they are "resolved to be more closely bound to Christ and the service of the Church," "to walk in the newness of life" adhering to what Saint Dominic proposed in terms of announcing the Good News and following the Lord," and that according to their particular state in life as laity, they have a share in the Church's "apostolic mission by prayer, study and preaching." Therefore, they have a new bond with the Order of Preachers.

Blessings to Fraternity of Saint Dominic of New Haven, especially to our friends Tacy and Steve. May what God has given us be brought to completion.

Saint Dominic, pray for us.
Saint Catherine of Siena, pray for us.
All saints and blessed of the Dominican Order, pray for us.

Last year's post on these same rites.
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The link this article, "For Friars, Finding Renewal by Sticking to Tradition," leads you to a story about the Irish Dominicans who have had a resurgence in vocations by a keen attention to their tradition and the Church's. While the author concentrates on the wearing of the habit, there are other things that have been recovered: an authentic companionship (communal life), faithfulness to the Church, the wearing of the habit and the common, evangelical mission and conversion of mind and heart. Kudos for the Irish OPs in recognizing the signs so as not to diminish further, or even die.

I can't help but think that George Weigel's latest book, Evangelical Catholicism, reflects what the future of the Church will be, including life in religious orders, not only in the USA, but around the world. You have to read, and re-read this book. Plus, I am tending to think that Cardinal Dolan was correct in saying that the Church in the USA is more concerned with the institution than she is with being missionary. Would that it be the case that the Benedictines could recognize what the Irish OPs did. I offer this article so that we all may share in the Irish OPs joy for their own renewal. We can benefit by their witness.

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About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]



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