Dominicans: December 2009 Archives

Edward Schillebeeckx, OP, RIP

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Edward Schillebeeckx, OP.jpg

Friar Edward Schillebeeckx, OP, died on December 23, 2009. He was 96. May he rest in peace.

In my sacraments class this past semester I had to re-read Schillebeeckx's Christ, The Sacrament of the Encounter with God, which I very much enjoyed the second time. His thinking was clear and provocative and orthodox. The same level of orthodoxy can't be said of all his later work, I dare say, but it was always provocative. Apparently followers of Friar Edward's work can expect another work on sacramental theology.
And so, we pray for God's mercy, and His blessed light, happiness and peace for Friar Edward.
Here's the Wiki article on Friar Edward and the catalog of his is found here.
St Dominic & BVM.jpg

O God, who for the salvation of souls didst place the Order of Preachers under the special protection of the most Blessed Virgin Mary, and wast please to pour out upon it her constant benefits: grant unto thy suppliants that we may be led unto the joy of heaven through the aid of that same protectress whose memory we revere today. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Pray for the Friars Preachers on the anniversary of papal approval in 1216.

I stumbled upon these vocation videos of the Polish Dominicans and Franciscans. If you don't understand Polish, don't fret, neither do I. And since there's no talking, just music, just sit back and enjoy the brief videos. THE fun thing is just watching the Dominican Franciscan friars. You get a great sense of the spirit of the friars of both groups just by watching the life.

It's like watching a foreign film--you don't understand the language but get the point--immediately. Video 1, video 2 and video 3.

About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]



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