Culture: February 2013 Archives

Edward Gorey's nativity

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gorey Donald imagined things.jpgEdward Gorey would have been 88 today had he lived; Gorey died in 2000.

Born in Chicago and lived on Cape Cod having lived at times in NYC, Gorey's imagination is wild and very humorous if you can recognize his line of thinking. As with artists he's got a complex view of life and personal history.

Edward Gorey is a Harvard educated, self-taught artist of the Gashleycrumb Tines and The Doubtful Guest among other works.

Gorey is one who makes me laugh and think. And from the first time meeting his work by way of a Jesuit friend of mine, Gorey has provided me a chance to think outside the box with his mysterious, macabre and merry sense of humor. Thanks to my friend Camille for reminding of the birthday.
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My friend, Paul J. Murray is now writing a blog. Have a visit, and stop back...because he's got some random thoughts to be attentive to....

Mr. Murray is the choirmaster and organist at the Church of the Holy Family, New York City.

Now if we could get Daniel Sañez and Christopher Candela to write a blog we'd be all set. Sañez is the choirmaster and organist at the Church of Saint Catherine of Siena (NYC) and Candela choirmaster and organist at the Church of Saint Thomas More (NYC). See a pattern?
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Charlotte's Web still rocks

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Charlotte's Web cover.jpgThis afternoon I watched an exceptional movie that I haven't seen in years, "Charlotte's Web," based on the 1952 famed book by the same name by E.B. White.

The movie I saw was the 2006 version with a star cast of speakers. Do you remember the animal cast?

Charlotte - the spider
Wilbur - the pig
Templeton - the rat
Uncle - the rival pig in the county fair

Terrific, Radiant, Humble

I've always admired E.B. White's novel for its portrayal of the beauty of friendship among those who ordinarily wouldn't share friendship --the outcasts and the very unusuals, and I don't mean among the animals. The animated friendship the animals exhibit is the real friendship we all desire to share among family and friends, especially those of the extend type, too. We are given each other for a purpose. The question is, do we have the capacity to expand our hearts to let others in? Have had an experience of an unexpected someone being a terrific, radiant and humble friend given by Christ for companionship?

About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]



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