Culture: July 2011 Archives

Continue reading A Benedictine's art collection.

Archduke Otto was well-regarded as a statesman of modern Europe, particularly supporting the notion of the European Union.
By tradition, the Archduke's body will be buried, next to his wife, Regina, in the Capuchin Church in Austria and his heart will be buried in Hungary at the Benedictine Royal Abbey of Pannonhalma.
Archduke Otto is survived by his seven children

Founded in 1837 by Blessed Basil Anthony Moreau, the Congregation of Holy Cross filled the many gaps in ecclesial life following the French Revolution. The "auxiliary priests" were parish priests, educators, missionaries, scholars with no single work so as to be available like the apostles were in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In the USA operates 4 colleges and universities, including my alma mater, UND. There is one CSC bishop in the USA: The Most Reverend Daniel Jenky, CSC of Peoria, IL.
Some of the activities of the CSC can be seen in an online photo album.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus richly bless the Congregation of Holy Cross!