Communion & Liberation: October 2012 Archives
More info here: Pittsburgh Encounter 2012 Schedule.pdf
"May it become [...] habitual to perceive in all
things - in everything, from the boughs of the tree to the hairs of the person
you like -- the presence of the Mystery that became a man in flesh and blood...
Getting used to seeing this in everything is a history that God allowed you to
Servant of God Father Luigi Giussani
As the 2012 elections draw near, we are all encouraged to evaluate where we stand and where we're heading as a country, since we all belong to one nation that has a common good. Particularly in this moment, when so many of our fellow countrymen suffer from unemployment and economic distress, we know that many long for improvement in their lives. All the same, we don't believe this election will magically solve the gravest problems that America faces. Legislation, policies, and programs--no matter how perfect--depend on the freedom of flawed human beings like us.
Continue reading Elections 2012 - A Call to Build Anew .
Michael Sean Winters' op-ed pieces aren't always to my liking. But so what. We all don't have to agree, do we? There are time writes that he does write some informative articles. Since a friend sent me this NCR article on a friend, Monsignor Lorenzo Albacete, I thought I would post it here for others who may have missed the original June 28, 2012 posting.
In case you've not read Msgr. Albacete's book, God at the Ritz, please do so. You'll find it good, challenging and helpful for the spiritual life.

Father Julián Carrón's text is available here: Life as Vocation 2012 eng.pdf
Our work in the School of Community and in the life of the community only is made possible if we beg the Holy Spirit to guide our steps. Our prayer, then, is Veni, creator Spiritus, mentes tuorum vista, imple superna gratia, quæ tu creasti pectora.