Communion & Liberation: May 2011 Archives

Father Julián Carrón, president of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation was interviewed by the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano on the beatification of Pope John Paul II. Father Carrón said that "beatification of John Paul II ... is a 'strong invitation' to conversion."

Keeping in mind what Blessed John Paul did for Communion and Liberation in recognizing the charism proposed by Father Luigi Giussani, Father Carrón recalled the words of John Paul who considered that a Movement "becomes a special instrument for a personal and ever-new adherence to the mystery of Christ." For those who follow the path to Christ offered by Communion and Liberation will know that the vocation of being a part of Communion and Liberation --given by the Holy Spirit-- means bringing "the truth, beauty and peace that are encountered in Christ the Redeemer" to the world.

Father Carrón's remarks can be read here: Interview with Fr Carrón on the JP II Beatification.pdf
Lepori 2010.jpgThe newly elected Abbot General of the Order of Cistercians, Abbot Mauro-Giuseppi Lepori, OCist, has been a part of the lay ecclesial Movement, Communion and Liberation for many years.

In the February issue of Traces, Abbot Mauro was interviewed by Davide Perillo in an article titled, "Called to Live for Him." Here Abbot Mauro talks about his election as Abbot General of the Order of Cistercians, his vocation, Jesus Christ, community life, individualism life within the Movement of Communion and Liberation, St Benedict, and more. I recommend the article.

A previous post on Abbot Mauro-Giuseppi can be read here.

About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]



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