Communion & Liberation: June 2009 Archives
You can download the 2009 Communion & Liberation Fraternity Spiritual Exercises; the booklet is available in four languages. The print edition will be available with the June issue of Traces magazine. Log on to the CL site here.
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June 2013: Monthly Archives
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- Franciscan saints & blesseds (113)
- Franciscans (64)
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- Ignatian Spirituality (19)
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- Year of Faith (17)
- Year of Saint Anselm (11)
- Year of Saint John Mary Vianney (13)
- Year of Saint John Neumann (7)
- Year of the Priest (19)
About this Archive
This page is a archive of entries in the Communion & Liberation category from June 2009.
Communion & Liberation: May 2009 is the previous archive.
Communion & Liberation: July 2009 is the next archive.
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