Avery Cardinal Dulles, SJ: August 2009 Archives

Evangelization for the 3rd Millennium.jpgCardinal Avery Dulles is still producing intellectual stimulation. Due to be released next week is Evangelization for the Third Millennium (Paulist Press), the final work that he had already in progress during what became the Cardinal's final months.

In her Preface to this anthology, Cardinal Dulles' longtime colleague, administrative & research assistant and former student, Sister Ann-Marie Kirmse, says that Dulles' work explores the theme of evangelization based on the seminal work of Pope Paul VI and later on the work Pope John Paul II on the same topic.

Avery Cardinal Dulles, SJ, died on December 12, 2008. 
Dulles exhibit.jpgRecently, Fordham University's Walsh Library, in collaboration with one of Cardinal Avery Dulles' closest collaborators, Dominican Sister Ann-Marie Kirmse, displayed many of the cardinal's possessions. It brings together the many intimate things of Avery Dulles who died 12 December.

The exhibit gives us another testimony to the great American Jesuit priest, theologian, cardinal and friend. As Sister Ann-Marie observed: "At that [at the cardinal's burial] moment, I realized that the love Cardinal Dulles had for God, his family, his friends and colleagues, his Jesuit community, his students, and his country are an important part of his legacy as well."

The cardinal would've been 91 on the 24th and it's hard to believe that in year since his celebratory birthday party that he's gone to God and now we are viewing the various elements of grace. The Fordham exhibit is a tribute to genteelness and greatness. The exhibit closes December 23.

About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]yahoo.com.



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