The pastor's job is to educate the people given to him by God to lead to heaven. He needs the gifts of dialogue, listening and a healthy concern for the other. Moreover, the pastor a church needs to know how to present, even re-present, the Christian gospel and tradition of the Church for the salvation of others.
The papal intentions for the month of June are good for all of us to be mindful of when it comes to living our faith, interacting with others, and preparing an outreach plan of evangelization. Certainly Pope Francis has these qualities but he, like all of us, need the help of the Divine Majesty to live them with intensity. Hence, we unite our prayers with the angels and saints in asking God for a double portion of the Holy Spirit.
In connection with the papal intentions, let's also pray for the students are graduating.
The general intention
That a culture of dialogue, listening, and mutual respect may prevail among peoples.
The missionary intention
That where secularization is strongest, Christian communities may effectively promote a new evangelization.
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