Pope Paul VI told us we need more witnesses to the faith. I've quoted the pope several times on this just point. True, the personal witness of a man and woman to the inner and outer works of the Holy Spirit is what concretely moves the heart. Truth is encountered in the witness. Father Tom Rosica, CSB, of Salt and Light TV interviews known and less known witnesses of the faith that for me, really opens new vistas.

That I am interested in sharing the beauty of the Benedictine charism on Communio as the baptismal vocation is lived through monks, nuns, sisters and the laity. Father Rosica interviews Benedictine priest and monk Father Michael Patella of Saint John's Abbey (Collegeville. MN). It is linked at the end of this post.
Saint John's is a very large large abbey. At one time it was the largest in the world, now the monks numbers about 150. The monastic community administers a university, a high school, a press, an ecumenical center, a critically acclaimed international library of digital manuscripts, and several parishes. The monks of this abbey also serve the Church in a variety of places in the USA and other countries. No one can doubt the creative genius as a gift the Spirit with the men called to live a monastic vocation at Saint John's Abbey.
Father Michael's interview happened in August 2012 and was released in April 2013.
The Benedictines are an expression for the fullness of humanity. Benedictines are none other than being close to the ancient patristic tradition of the Church, lectio divina, culture, study, praying sacred Liturgy, service, the sciences, the arts, the humanities, there is theology which never broke with any part of the tradition nor were the monasteries founded in response to ecclesial breaks: Benedictines are "feel, think with the Church."
The monks, nuns and laity give us a Christological lens by which we can judge all of reality. Benedictines give context; they give us a sense of the Tradition as expansive with Benedictines really doesn't exist with other religious orders.
This segment of Witness, "Benedictine monk illuminates the Word" is helpful to the soul. Why? Because I get to sit back and see how the Spirit works and how the Spirit is moving me. We need witnesses!
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