Saint Edmund's is situated on Enders Island in a comfortable neighborhood that easily shares the beauty of nature --Long Island Sound and beautiful gardens. Walking the grounds you become aware of the Divine Presence.
The chapel dedicated to Our Lady of the Assumption is also a beautiful place to pray and rest in the Lord. Special to the chapel is the arm of Saint Edmund of Canterbury, and the other relics of saints. But not to be missed are magnificent icons, the illuminated Stations of the Cross done by artists connected with the Retreat House.
In recent years Saint Edmund's has become a place of evangelization with the many programs of spiritual renewal. In addition to spiritual retreats offered to laity and clergy, there are programs in learning Gregorian chant, iconography, AA programs and more. I hope, in time, there will be a possibility of adding other programs attending to Catholic theology and formation (on the Liturgy, Scripture, catechetics and spiritual formation). Saint Edmund's is poised to be a wonderful center for the new evangelization.
Saint Edmund of Canterbury, pray for us.
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