La Civiltà Cattolica is one of the Church's most important journals of informed opinion. It was founded on 6 April 1850 by a group of Jesuits from Naples and therefore Italy's longest running journals. It now has a new look and approach through new efforts at renewal motivated by Pope Benedict when he spoke with the Journal staff in 2006 when he said,
Here then, is where the mission of a cultural journal such as La Civiltà Cattolica fits in: active participation int he contemporary cultural debate, both to propose and at the same time to spread the Christian faith in a serious way. Its purpose is both to present it clearly and in fidelity to the Magisterium of the Church, and to defend without polemics the truth that is sometimes distorted by unfounded accusation directed at the Ecclesial Community. I would like to point out the Second Vatican Council as a beacon on the path that La Civiltà Cattolica is called to take.
The current pontificate of Francis will look to the Journal "to collect and express the expectations and needs of our time" and "to provide the elements for a reading of reality" that has "a particular attention to the truth, to goodness and to beauty."
There are seven Jesuits full time work at La Civiltà Cattolica, plus another seven senior Jesuits who assist in the publication but it has an increasing international group of thinkers and writers. The journal has a print edition plus a digital presence.
Jesuit Father Antonio Spadaro, 47, is the editor-in-chief of La Civiltà Cattolica and he serves as a consultor to several Church organizations. Father Spadaro also writes a well-received blog, CyberTeologia.
La Civiltà Cattolica can be followed on Facebook and Twitter.
Vatican Radio's piece on the new edition can be read here.
An interview with Father Antonio Spadaro and Philippa Hitchen of Vatican Radio is here.
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