The Cardinal Dean of the College will ask the cardinal who has received the votes, Acceptasne electionem de te canonice factam in Summum Pontificem? (Do you accept your canonical election as Supreme Pontiff?) Then, the new pope will be asked by what name he wants to be known. In this case, the Dean is too old to be in the Conclave and therefore the senior cardinal will ask the questions.
After the election is accepted, the new pope is brought to the "Room of Tears," near to the Sistine Chapel to gather his thoughts; the room is the Room of Tears insofar because at this point changing the clothing the one elected concretely he's now in-charge, his life life --and ours-- is irrevocably changed. Teaching, sanctifying and governing are the mark of the office of any priest, bishop and pope; they are marks of service, duty and responsibility. Emotions run high.

By the time of the Conclave new robes will be brought to the Sistine Chapel. The papal white cassocks are tailored in three basic sizes, plus there's the golden ceremonial cord for the cross and rochet, five pairs of the red shoes and a choice of stoles are prepared ahead of time and made available by Gammarelli's. The CBS Morning Show has a story.
In this first picture you see a room displaying the new papal clothes. Recent updating the paint was removed revealing frescoes.
The Room of Tears is covered in a rich red damask.
Come, Holy Spirit, Come!
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