Our prayer today is for all who follow the Rule of Saint Benedict and the gifts given to the Church and world by the Benedictines. Most especially our prayer today is with the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation who counts Saint Benedict as one of the co-patrons of the movement. May we who live the path given by the Servant of God Father Luigi Giussani to "incline our heart" unto the Lord's.
Father Giussani once said to the Benedictine monks of Cascinazza (Milan), "Christ is present! The Christ announcement is that God became one of us and is present here, and gathers us together into one body, and through unity, His presence is made perceivable. This is heart of the Benedictine message of the earliest times. Well, this also defines the entire message of our Movement, and this is why feel Benedictine history to be the history to which we are the closest."
Hence, as Saint Benedict the Pilgrim shows us, let us moment-by-moment recall the presence of Jesus Christ in our lives, the world, indeed in everything we do, let us attend to the desires of the heart.
We pray with the Church, Benedictine monks, nuns and oblates, and for the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation,
Almighty and everlasting God, who did this day deliver from the prison of the flesh Your most holy Confessor Benedict and did bear him up to heaven, we beseech You, grant Your servants who are celebrating this festival, forgiveness of all sins, that in the gladness wherein they are united in rejoicing at his glory, they may by his intercession be You partake also in his merits.
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