A focus on mission, Pope Francis points to direction

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Pope Francis met with media

Pope Francis met with media

I don't think Pope Francis will be too different from the last several Roman Pontiffs. As bishop of Rome he will preach and teach, govern and sanctify.The Pope's un-programatic homily is in fact programatic if you can read the details. In some ways Francis's homily is an Aesopian creature.

First, style is substance. Second, the liturgical preaching thus far indicates a trajectory. Third, focus on the Pope's connection with people of belief and unbelief because this connection ought to be assessed for the facts and and not cliché. What the Pope said and what he's done matters. Who's present, and who's not. (And this data is not to be reduced to politics.) All this is to say that you can't miss "a trick" if you really want to know what and who Pope Francis is, and why he is doing what he's doing and with whom. 

We are living nothing different from what Blessed John Paul and Pope Benedict did in their pontificates. Three things to pray for daily: conversion, vocation and mission.

A "news" man and priest whom I respect very much is the editor-in-chief for AsiaNews.it, Bernardo Cervellera. Tonight, his article, "Like Benedict, mission is Pope Francis's focus," captures what I am indicating and what I am urging you to attend.

Want to be informed about Christianity, and the global Church of Christ, read AsiaNews.it.
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About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]yahoo.com.



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