O God, who gave the blessed Abbot Aelred the grace of being all things to all men, grant that, following his example, we may so spend ourselves in the service of one another, as to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
Saint Aelred of Rievaulx (1110-1167) (1110-1167), consider to be the "Saint Bernard of the North," was abbot of Rievaulx in England from 1146 until his death. The author of Spiritual Friendship, Saint Aelred's Pastoral Prayer is a profound meditation on the Rule of Saint Benedict which shaped his thinking and led him (and his disciples) to prefer nothing to the love of Christ.
So, with today's liturgical memorial of Saint Aelred celebrated especially by Benedictines and Cistercians, the Church's memory of the life and teaching of Saint Aelred of Rievaulx, ought to open for us a renewed interest in friendship with Christ and with one another, as well as a more sincere devotion to the Cross. It is the Cross that shapes the life of the Christian and more poignantly, that of the person professing monastic vows as a monk, nun or the oblate promise. In his well-known treatise, Spiritual Friendship, Saint Aelred has a well-known and bold teaching: "God is friendship." This is clearly an understanding of Saint John's theology, "God is love." In any case, God is friendship is Saint Aelred's personal experience of God's intimacy with him.
If God is "friendship," then implications are unbelievably beautiful. I will leave you to tease out the application to your life.
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