Catholic author and syndicated talk-show host Teresa Tomeo believes Recall Abortion "will put abortion right where it belongs, on a worldwide 'Hall of Shame' episode and the top of the recall list." Wendy Wright of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (C-FAM) says the book "provides a compelling case against the primary selling points for abortion."
The book will be available Jan. 22 from St. Benedict's Press and can be pre-ordered now for $20 per copy at PriestsforLife.org/store.
In his foreword for Recall Abortion, Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, wrote: "If we start with a listening heart and a dose of good will, we can see a common question bridging the pro-life, pro-choice divide and uniting those who care about women. The question is: What does abortion do to those who undergo it? What kind of promises does it make, and does it deliver on those promises?"
Those questions, which cut right to the heart of the abortion debate, are answered in Recall Abortion.
Janet Morana is the executive director of Priests for Life, co-founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, and co-host of EWTN's "Defending Life" and "The Catholic View for Women."
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