Francis Arinze, Nigerian cardinal, turns 80

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Cardinal Arinze.jpgHis Eminence, Francis Cardinal Arinze, turns 80 today. 

Why is this significant? Because a prominent churchmen, a leader in the Catholic Church, hits a milestone and no longer has a place in a Conclave should one be called tomorrow. Nevertheless, Cardinal Arinze is clearly a senior churchman.

Francis Arinze is a Nigerian  born cleric who has served the Lord in his home country and in Rome. Arinze's journey is extensive:

  • Ordained priest: 23 November 1958 (54 yrs)
  • Ordained bishop: 29 August 1965 (47 yrs)
  • Created cardinal: 25 May 1985 (27 yrs).

Cardinal Arinze's service includes attending session 4 of the Second Vatican Council and participating in 1 conclave; he has as bishop, he's ordained 14 priests as bishop. He has worked in the Holy Father's service in area of inter-religious dialogue and the sacred Liturgy.
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Among the books penned by the Cardinal you can note:

  • Answering God's Call (1983)
  • The Church in Dialogue: Walking With Other Believers (1990)
  • Meeting Other Believers: The Risks and Rewards of Interreligious Dialogue (1998)
  • The Holy Eucharist (2001)
  • Religions for Peace: A Call for Solidarity to the Religions of the World (2002)
  • Celebrating the Holy Eucharist (2006)
  • Meeting Jesus and Following Him (2010).
Português: Brasão Cardinalício do Cardeal Fran...
An essay of his was published with 3 other cardinals on active participation and the Liturgy in a book called, Cardinal Reflections ((2007). Plus, there is his autobiographical interview, God's Invisible Hand, written with Gerard O'Connell (2006).

Keep the Cardinal in your prayers as he prepares to have knee replacement surgery in Newark in the coming days. As is his custom, Cardinal Arinze spends his time with the Benedictine monks of Newark Abbey (Newark, NJ).

Happy birthday, Your Eminence. May God grant you many years!

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About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]



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