For centuries the Church, at the
request of Francis, has attached a spiritual favor in the form of indulgence, a
grant remission of sins to all who came there. It used to be given only at the
Portiuncula but now the privilege extends beyond the Portiuncula especially those
administered by Franciscans, throughout the world, to others churches as well.
Church teaches that a plenary indulgence is a powerful tool for works of mercy
and weapon in the living of the Christian life, that is, in our spiritual
warfare. A plenary indulgence is the remission of the effects of sin, through
the merits of Jesus Christ and the saints, through the Church, of all temporal
punishment due to sin already forgiven through the reception of the sacrament
of Confession.
To obtain the Portiuncula plenary indulgence, a person must visit
the Chapel of Our Lady of the Angels at Assisi, or a Franciscan church or
chapel, or even one's parish church, with the intention of honoring Our Lady of
the Angels. The recites the Creed and prays the Our Father for the Pope's
designated intentions (see the monthly papal prayer intentions). Key is going
to Confession ("free of attachment to venial and mortal sin). One can make a confession
and receive Holy Communion 8 days before or after.
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