Abbot Mark Cooper succeeds Abbot Matthew Leavy who as served the Abbey, the College and the Church since 1986. Abbot Mark just retired after serving for 33 years as the VP for Finance of the College. He's an alum of 1971. More on Abbot Mark can be read here.
Abbot Mark is graduated Saint Anselm's College in 1971 with a BA in Political Science, and later studied at the University of Notre Dame, Saint John's Seminary, Brighton, MA, Saint Albert's House of Studies (operated by the Dominicans). He was ordained in 1976. In the course of time he taught at Woodside Priory and helped out pastorally as a priest.
As spiritual father of the monastic community the Abbot is also the Chancellor of the College; he is also the superior of Woodside Priory just outside of San Francisco, CA.
Upon election this morning the new abbot has taken the Oath of Fidelity and received the obedience of the monks and made the Te Deum for this gift of service. The election was presided over and confirmed by the Abbot President of the American Cassinese Congregation, The Right Reverend Hugh Anderson.
Saint Anselm's was founded in 1889 and raised to abbatial status in 1927. The motherhouse is Saint Mary's Abbey (now in Morristown, NJ).
The Preview of the election can be seen here by Prior Isaac.
Prior Isaac writes a periodic blog "Table Reading at Saint Anselm's Abbey" where he's nicely brought us into the process of election of an abbot and the monastic life there.
May the monks keep the Rule, so that the Rule will keep them.
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