How many people do you know who would opt for a holiday at the South Pole where on a good day it is 24 degrees? On a bad day, you could just be stuck there.... Honestly, I dot know many people who would go on this type of adventure. Father Rossetti's at the South Pole because of friendship, first with God, then with the workers and with himself. Friendship that says I am a part of something greater than myself.
To me, Father Rossetti is giving us an example of what it means to be self-giving, a gesture of true charity which shows Christ's concern for others. Going to the South Pole is more than a charitable work. It is a way of being, a way of standing in awe at the Divine Majesty. Why is this important to me? Because it reminds me (the act educates me) to the fact of the Incarnation as a given to human history: we are given.
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