A frustrating week...

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The week was a bear on many levels. The agony started when I arrived at the office and found out that the office laptop was stolen from my desk. Of course, not only was I angry at the un-named person who stole the computer, but at myself because nothing was backed up. Not having a virtual copy of the documents on an external hard drive was a big mistake. And the rest of the week was down hill because I began thinking about all the things I've worked on that are now gone plus all the personal information with it.

AND, the person who took the computer also took the pennies being collected for the poor. Well, at least that's the assumption. The children in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd are collecting their spare change --or their parent's pocket change-- for the "Pennies for the Good Shepherd."

I've got to find room in my heart to let go of anger toward the thief and pray for his conversion and my own. So pray with me and for me and for the other person. Saint Dismas and Saint Nicholas, pray for me and the other.

Hence, not a lot of posting this past week. 

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About the author

Paul A. Zalonski is from New Haven, CT. He is a member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, a Catholic ecclesial movement and an Oblate of Saint Benedict. Contact Paul at paulzalonski[at]yahoo.com.



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